Friday, April 12, 2013

The Award of Federal Agenсy for Subsoil Use and Russian Geological Society, April 2013.

It was a great pleasure to be awarded by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use and the Russian Geological Society for my work in 2012 year. I am very thankful to the people working in  this organizations. Also, I thank our research group at the Vernadsky Institute and the Geological Institute, Kola Science Center.

Nomination: "The best student paper in the field of fundamental and applied problems of geology contributory to the development of mineral resources"
Paper: "Genetic characteristics and metallogenic specialization of peralkaline granites of the Proterozoic polyphase complex Gremyakha-Vyrmes ".
The badge Russian Geological Society.
 Mente et Malleo.
The statue is the copy of geologists monument  
in front of my university. Dedicated to the Geologists-Pioneers.